Surprising Changes in the Solar system and Its Terrible Effects on the Earth
بسم اللہ الرّحمٰن الرّحیم
As-Salaam Alaikum
Muhammad Qasim saw in a dream: I'm not sure if I read in a book or if I heard that a great man passed away 1400 years ago and he made prediction that a big star will be included in the solar system. And it will pass by the earth as if it is going to collide with the sun but it will change its direction and when it will pass by the earth, the earth will become dark due to its impact. But Allah will bring the earth back in the orders it was and bring it back to its axis.
Then the news arrives from NASA that "a big star is coming that will collide with the sun and that the solar system will be destroyed." But I said: "no it will not collide with the sun but the earth will be impacted." Then that star changes its direction and exits the solar system and at that time the world becomes dark. But people are heedless that this world will be destroyed and scientists also say that "let the earth live as long it does. But I said: "No it will remain in its axis and it will be fixed." Then I sleep and in that dream Allah SWT says that "Qasim! You bring the earth back to its axis and I will help you." I woke up with surprise that "how can I fix it when scientists couldn't and they have all the tools!" Then I go out and see that the earth is closer to the sun. And I also look for the moon but I can't find it. And then, when I go on a machine in space, I saw that the moon is in between the sun and the earth and this is why the earth has become dark. Then I saw that if the moon was not in between the people, they would have been burnt down and the earth would have been burnt also. Then I said "how can I move the moon and the earth." Then I come back to the earth and there are some people who say: "Qasim! you do something" and I said "With the will of Allah the moon and the earth will go back to their axis." Then the people saw that it happened in front of them. Then everyone sees that and they become happy.
Walaikum Assalam wa Rahmatullahe wa Barakatuhu